Michigan Spartan Event Weekend
Spartan Race is a series of obstacle races of varying difficulty, ranging from 3 miles to ultra-marathon distances of 50k+.

Michigan Spartan Event Weekend
Welcome to Grand Rapids for the Michigan Spartan Event Weekend !
Welcome, Spartan Race participants, to the vibrant city of Grand Rapids! Nestled along the banks of the Grand River, our beautiful city is thrilled to be your host for this incredible event. As you prepare to conquer the challenges that lie ahead, know that our community stands united with you, ready to witness your unwavering determination in the Spartan Race. Explore our rich culture, friendly locals, and stunning landscapes, and make your time here an unforgettable part of your Spartan journey. Aroo!
July 13: Super 10K 25 Obstacles
July 13-14: Kids Race 1-3K +Obstacles
July 14: Sprint 5K 20 Obstacles
All Spartan Volunteers will receive a free race credit, volunteer tech t-shirt, sandwich for lunch, snacks, water, free parking and free bag check. Full day volunteer also receive a volunteer hoodie and a $60 online merchandise credit.